1.Take a special tablet with a light-accumulating coating, a flashlight marker, and start drawing!
2.From the touch of the “brush” to the “canvas”, there will be light lines, the brightness, and clarity of which depends on the distance from the marker to the tablet and the angle of inclination.
3.You can not erase from the work surface, but you can draw on top since each new line will be brighter than the previous one. Completely the same picture disappears itself in 30-40 minutes.
4.At the other end of the marker is a pen with a special ink that appears only under the light of the flashlight. It can not be drawn on a tablet - use plain paper for this!
5.A set of "Draw with light" will help the child to reveal his creative potential, but at the same time, furniture and wallpaper in your apartment will not be "decorated" with patterns and hand-writing.
Recommendations for use:
(1) The less light there is in the room, the brighter the picture will be.
(2) The recommended drawing session is no more than 15-20 minutes.
(3) Do not paint on the tablet anything other than a flashlight marker.
(4) Do not direct the marker light into the eyes.
(5) It is recommended to keep the tablet in a dark place during free time.
Material: Plastic / Plastic
Function: luminous writing board
Packing: Color box
size: small , medium , large, pen (random color)
Applicable age: Children (4-6 years old)
Package Content
1 x Writing board
1 x pen
1 x template
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